Pets Animals

Are You Ready For A Persian Kitten?

Persian cats are one of the most recognizable cat breeds. The long, lush hair and snub nose are characteristics that give Persian cats an elegant and sophisticated appearance. If you are thinking of adding a Persian kitten to your household, it's imperative that you take the time to prepare for your kitten's arrival. Ask yourself the following questions to determine if you are ready to welcome a Persian kitten into your family in the near future. Read More 

Important Reasons To Get Regular Physical Exam Services For Your Pets

As a pet owner, you want to take the best care possible of your animal companions. Part of taking the best care of them involves making sure that they stay healthy and free from pain.  To protect their health, you need to take them to the veterinarian's office at least once a year. You can get an annual physical exam for pets when you bring your pets to their vet on a regular basis. Read More 

Want to Work With Animals? Consider Dog Grooming School

If you are someone who loves animals and has always wanted to work with them, then you might be used to people advising you to become a vet or a vet tech. Indeed, being a veterinarian is a good job, but it also requires a lot of schooling and can be a very demanding profession. A different option to consider is attending dog grooming school to become a dog groomer. Here are a few benefits of this career path. Read More 

3 Commands Every Puppy Needs To Know

If you're ready to expand your family, an AKC-registered German Shepherd puppy is a darling addition to your home. German Shepherds are an intelligent, loyal breed capable of learning a slew of complex tasks. To get a head start on your new four-legged friend's training, it's important to begin when they're young. Here are a few commands that every puppy should know. Not only will teaching your puppy these commands establish a firm foundation for your new pet's training but it will also help keep them safe as they grow and begin to explore the world. Read More 

Why Buy A Double-Handle Dog Leash?

You love walking your dog and taking them out for healthy exercise and companionship, but your canine friend sometimes gets a bit out of control. Whether your dog is a bit on the overly friendly side or they love to chase everything they see, controlling your canine companion when you take them to the park, on a basic walk, or to the vet for a checkup is your primary concern. Read More